Saturday, September 3, 2022

Chapter 2 - Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

     In the textbook, McCornack (2019, p. 33) defines self-fulfilling prophecies as predictions about future interactions that lead us to behave in ways that ensure the interaction unfolds as we predicted.  The chapter considers the term within the context of self-concept.

     Yesterday, I spoke with an old work friend.  I recalled a time when we attended a meeting with a high-level person who had decision-making authority.  We had just watched another person's proposal get denied and the high-level person, with precision, had listed the inadequacies of the proposal and then sent the person on his way.  When his turn came, my friend started this presentation with a very short mention that he had heard the high-level guy was a "people person" and now, he sees how true that is and is excited to present the proposal.  At the time, I remember thinking, "that is a bold move, full of risk."

     Well, my friend created a self-fulfilling prophecy and appealed to the decision-maker's ideal self (McCornack, 2019, p. 35) .  My friend was confident, looked like he enjoyed and believed in his work, and gave a complete project presentation.  His audience (the decision-maker) became more engaged and offered many positive pointers.  My friend left with an approved project.

License: CC0 Public DomainGerd Altmann has released this “Success” image under Public Domain license.

McCornack, S. (2019). Reflect and relate: An introduction to interpersonal communication. Boston: Bedford.

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Chapter 13 - Walking Lonely

     Cultural nuances with friendship abound and the textbook highlights this aspect of friendship (McCornack, 2019, p. 358).  The author...